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K7 Total Security

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Protects your PC from viruses and malware

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K7 Total Security is a complete antivirus for Windows that has several protection mechanisms against all types of threats, including viruses, malware, ransomware and spyware.

Protects you even from unclassified malware

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This protection suite has a threat database that is updated several times a day. In addition, it even protects you from malware that has not yet been catalogued thanks to the use of heuristics, which analyzes malicious behavior in the software on your PC.

Parental controls and much more

To protect the little ones at home, K7 Total Security has a complete web blocking system and a system to control the time your children spend online. It also protects online transactions, Internet browsing, and makes use of AI to protect you from cyber-attacks.

K7 Total Security is also one of the antivirus that has the least impact on Windows performance, consuming even less memory resources than other protection suites.

Download K7 Total Security on your PC and protect yourself from all kinds of threats. It is important to keep in mind that the free version is only available for 30 days, and once that time is up, it is necessary to purchase the paid version.

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Information about K7 Total Security 16.0.1224

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Antivirus
Language English
Author K7Computing
Downloads 5,014
Date Aug 7, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

exe 16.0.1222 Jul 26, 2024
exe 16.0.1221 Jul 17, 2024
exe 16.0.1215 Jul 3, 2024
exe 16.0.1210 Jun 26, 2024
exe 16.0.1200 Jun 12, 2024
exe 16.0.1190 May 29, 2024

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